Viewing Surveys by Topic

When you choose the View by Topic button, a list of all major topics included in the NABCA Survey Database is displayed along the left side of the screen. A list of the surveys associated with each topic is displayed on a flyout menu.

  1. To view NABCA data by topic and survey, select the View by Topic button. The screen below is displayed.
  2. Once View by Topic mode has been selected, a list of all NABCA Survey Book topics is displayed on the left side of the screen.
Basic View by Topic Screen

Jurisdiction Type Filters

Beneath the View by Topic button you will see three checkboxes labeled as follows:

  • Canadian Provinces
  • Control States
  • License States

These filters enable you to display only the topics and surveys containing information from selected jurisdiction types. By default, all jurisdictions are displayed. Click to deselect the jurisdictions you do not wish to view. The content of the topic list then displays only those topics that contain survey responses from the jursidictions in which you are interested. Click to reselect jurisdictions.

In the screenshow below, the Canadian Provinces filter has been selected. The topic list now displays only those topics that contain survey responses from one or more Canadian Provinces.

Canadian Provinces filter selected

Keyword Filter

Entering a word or phrase in the Topic Filter field enables you to restrict the display of topics and surveys to those containing the specified keyword(s).

In the screenshot below, the keyword "alcohol" has been entered, restricting the display of topics to those with "alcohol" in the title of the topic or an associated survey.

Keyword filter